Why we care.

At ASTONISHING Work, we surf, skate, snowboard, bike, hike, and camp.

We love being outside and get excited about the smells, sounds, and sights you can only find exploring wild spaces.

During our adventures, we see many signs of humans and their impact on our environment.

We want to do our part to promote and live as sustainably as possible.

How we can help.

We know we're not perfect, and I'm sure we're going stumble along the way, but our goal is to do the best we can when we can.

With small changes, companies can make a big difference.

We help clients find these opportunities.

What We Do to Help our Clients

Focus on eco-friendly materials and production methods
-Use recycled, recyclable, or biodegradable materials whenever possible.
-Right-size packaging to remove unnecessary materials.
-Collaborate with vendors who prioritize sustainable practices.
-Consider the life cycle of our design solutions and push for sustainable options.

Reduce energy consumption
-Explore energy-efficient design solutions like lightweight packaging that takes less fuel to ship.

Minimize waste
-Recommend design solutions that remove unnecessary production of  materials with short life cycles.
-Implement a paperless office policy as much as possible.
-Encourage digital solutions to avoid physical waste.

Educate and collaborate
-Integrate sustainability principles into our design process.
-Educate ourselves and clients about the benefits of sustainable design.
-Collaborate with other sustainable businesses and organizations.