LIOCO Wins Whole Foods with Packaging Success

LIOCO had the opportunity to sell at Whole Foods and approached us for a packaging refresh before their pitch.

We collaborated with LIOCO to enhance their packaging shelf appeal by creating a vibrant family of four labels. We used bold colors and topographics to capture the unique story of origin behind each wine.

Additionally, ASTONISHING WORK provided support throughout The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) approval process, ensuring compliance and a seamless regulatory experience for LIOCO.

Services provided

TTB Certification Prep

The Process

We went through three design rounds to improve and refine the visuals until we achieved a design that both LIOCO and their liaison at Whole Foods liked. We actively sought and incorporated their feedback in each round to make the necessary improvements.

Once the final design was approved, we moved forward with production. One notable detail was the topographic maps on each label, giving the packaging a unique and captivating element. This artistic touch made the packaging more memorable. It highlighted the wine’s origin and visually connected it to the vineyards where the grapes were grown.


LIOCO successfully secured a sales deal with Whole Foods, a significant milestone in expanding their distribution network.

"The package change allowed us to position LIOCO in small-chain retail—a hyper-competitive segment. Whole Foods Market jumped on board, as did local Bay Area grocer Gus’s Market. 

These retailers told us the packaging was much more attractive to their customers, and the sales have followed."
Matt Licklider, CEO
LIOCO Wine Company
Package Production

We participated in press checks to ensure the printed labels had perfect color matching and flawless details, ready for the shelves of Whole Foods.