Igniting a brand.

The Ferno Grill is more than meets the eye. Ferno's patented Firewheel, heavy cast-iron grates, and double insulated hood combine to give you the benefits of a premium grill, slow roaster, and outdoor oven.

When the creators of this new outdoor grill came to ATONSHING, the product was in the final stages of development, but the brand's identity, look and feel, and a storefront website were the last pieces to put in place before launch.

Services provided

Logo & Identity System
Strategic Messaging
Voice & Tone
Identity Guidelines
Web Design & Copywriting

The Process

The unique design of the Ferno Grill was a clear differentiator and would need a logo and brand personality to match. Stakeholder interviews and focused market research helped define the target audience and clarify the need and value proposition. 

As a direct-to-consumer brand, Ferno needed a storefront up ASAP. Based upon the brand definition effort defined during identity development, we built a customized Shopify storefront enabling direct-to-consumer sales. 

We defined color, font, and imagery to work in concert with copy that highlighted FERNOS’ unique value proposition and personality. 


Open for business! ASTONISHING provided the visual branding services to get FERNO grills open for business and taking their first orders!

...one of the most  painless and productive processes in a long list of difficult steps a startup faces when creating a brand's look and feel.
Peck Euwer
Founder & CEO - FERNO Grills